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Worm Speed Reducer WPO

Update Terakhir
08 / 06 / 2021
Min. Pembelian
1 Buah
Dilihat Sebanyak
19 kali
Harga Mulai
Rp. 1.000.000
Sampai dengan
Rp. 10.000.000

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Detail Worm Speed Reducer WPO

Worm Speed Reducer WPO

Gearbox reducer WPO series features a vertical output shaft. Since its worm and sheel are constantly immersed in lubricating oil,Reducer it is ideal for low-speed, high-torque applications in various mixing equipment.

Gearbox Reducer WPO 050

Gearbox Reducer WPO 060

Gearbox Reducer WPO 070

Gearbox Reducer WPO 080

Gearbox Reducer WPO 100

Gearbox Reducer WPO 120

Gearbox Reducer WPO 135

Gearbox Reducer WPO 155

Gearbox Reducer WPO 175

Gearbox Reducer WPO 200

The gearbox WPO should be filled with the appropriate oil to the center of the oil gauge before putting in operation. After approximately 85 hours of operation , gearbox WPO must be drained or flushed with light oil , and refilled with fresh oil , and repeated every 2500 hours

Gearbox Reducer WPO series features a vertical output shaft. Since its worm and sheel are constantly immersed in lubricating oil, it is ideal for low-speed, high-torque applications in various mixing equipment.

Gearbox WPO tipe 050

Gearbox WPO tipe 060

Gearbox WPO tipe 070

Gearbox WPO tipe 080

Gearbox WPO tipe 100

Gearbox WPO tipe 120

Gearbox WPO tipe 135

Gearbox WPO tipe 155

Gearbox WPO tipe 175

Gearbox WPO tipe 200

Gearbox Reducer WPO series features a vertical output shaft. Since its worm and sheel are constantly immersed in lubricating oil, it is ideal for low-speed, high-torque applications in various mixing equipment.

Gearbox WPO 050 , Gearbox WPO 060

Gearbox WPO 070 , Gearbox WPO 080

Gearbox WPO 100 , Gearbox WPO 120

Gearbox WPO 135 , Gearbox WPO 155

Gearbox WPO 175 , Gearbox WPO 200

The gearbox WPO should be filled with the appropriate oil to the center of the oil gauge before putting in operation. After approximately 85 hours of operation , gearbox WPO must be drained or flushed with light oil , and refilled with fresh oil , and repeated every 2500 hours

Gearbox Reducer WPO series features a vertical output shaft. Since its worm and sheel are constantly immersed in lubricating oil, it is ideal for low-speed, high-torque applications in various mixing equipment.

Gearbox WPO tipe 050 , Gearbox WPO tipe 060

Gearbox WPO tipe 070 , Gearbox WPO tipe 080

Gearbox WPO tipe 100 , Gearbox WPO tipe 120

Gearbox WPO tipe 135 , Gearbox WPO tipe 155

Gearbox WPO tipe 175 , Gearbox WPO tipe 200

Gearbox Reducer WPO series features a vertical output shaft. Since its worm and sheel are constantly immersed in lubricating oil, it is ideal for low-speed, high-torque applications in various mixing equipment.

Gearbox Reducer WPO 050

Gearbox Reducer WPO 060

Gearbox Reducer WPO 070

Gearbox Reducer WPO 080

Gearbox Reducer WPO 100

Gearbox Reducer WPO 120

Gearbox Reducer WPO 135

Gearbox Reducer WPO 155

Gearbox Reducer WPO 175

Gearbox Reducer WPO 200

The gearbox Reducer WPO should be filled with the appropriate oil to the center of the oil gauge before putting in operation. After approximately 85 hours of operation , gearbox WPO must be drained or flushed with light oil , and refilled with fresh oil , and repeated every 2500 hours

Gearbox WPO series features a vertical output shaft. Since its worm and sheel are constantly immersed in lubricating oil, it is ideal for low-speed, high-torque applications in various mixing equipment.

Gearbox WPO tipe 050

Gearbox WPO tipe 060

Gearbox WPO tipe 070

Gearbox WPO tipe 080

Gearbox WPO tipe 100

Gearbox WPO tipe 120

Gearbox WPO tipe 135

Gearbox WPO tipe 155

Gearbox WPO tipe 175

Gearbox WPO tipe 200

Gearbox Reducer WPO series features a vertical output shaft. Since its worm and sheel are constantly immersed in lubricating oil, it is ideal for low-speed, high-torque applications in various mixing equipment.

Gearbox WPO 050 , Gearbox WPO 060

Gearbox WPO 070 , Gearbox WPO 080

Gearbox WPO 100 , Gearbox WPO 120

Gearbox WPO 135 , Gearbox WPO 155

Gearbox WPO 175 , Gearbox WPO 200

The gearbox WPO should be filled with the appropriate oil to the center of the oil gauge before putting in operation. After approximately 85 hours of operation , gearbox WPO must be drained or flushed with light oil , and refilled with fresh oil , and repeated every 2500 hours

Gearbox WPO series features a vertical output shaft. Since its worm and sheel are constantly immersed in lubricating oil, it is ideal for low-speed, high-torque applications in various mixing equipment.

Gearbox WPO tipe 050 , Gearbox WPO tipe 060

Gearbox WPO tipe 070 , Gearbox WPO tipe 080

Gearbox WPO tipe 100 , Gearbox WPO tipe 120

Gearbox WPO tipe 135 , Gearbox WPO tipe 155

Gearbox WPO tipe 175 , Gearbox WPO tipe 200

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